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Friday, July 13, 2012

How do we go home?

So again looking on Pinterest I found some amazing ideas. I found this cute idea about displaying how the kids go home. Here is what I found on pinterest...


(hope it links, I'm on the iPad)

But basically it was a chart with ribbon hanging from it and using clothes pins to clip how the kids go home (since it changes so often)!

So I decided I was going to make my own version of it and I went to Hobby Lobby and I got the materials that I needed. And I made this!

It was SUPER easy! I painted a wooden plaque, glued the little wooden designs on it, stenciled the wording, and stapled the ribbon on it!

All I have left to do is buy some clothes pins so I can write the kids name on each one and pin it to the correct ribbon they go home (bus kids: will also have their bus number on their pin, as well as daycare will have the name of their daycare on it)

I LOVE IT! Thanks pinterest!

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